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Chapter 5 Data Used for Positioning Control
Storage item Storage details
[Md.24] Axis warning No.
Whenever an axis warning is reported, a related warning code is stored.
This area stores the latest warning code always. (Whenever an axis warning is
reported, a new warning code replaces the stored warning code.)
When the "[Cd.5] Axis error reset" (axis control data) is set to ON, the axis
warning No. is cleared to "0".
Refresh cycle: Immediate
[Md.25] Valid M code
This area stores an M code that is currently active (i.e. set to the positioning data
relating to the current operation).
When the PLC READY signal [Y0] goes OFF, the value is set to "0".
Refresh cycle: Immediate
[Md.26] Axis operation status
This area stores the axis operation status.
Refresh cycle: Immediate
[Md.27] Current speed
The "[Da.8] Command speed" used by the positioning data currently being
executed is stored.
If "[Da.8] Command speed" is set to "-1", this area stores the command speed
set by the positioning data used one step earlier.
If "[Da.8] Command speed" is set to a value other than "-1", this area stores the
command speed set by the current positioning data.
When speed change function is executed, this area stores "[Cd.14] New speed
value". (For details of change speed function, refer to Section 13.5.1.)
Refresh cycle: Immediate