Chapter 2 Function Reference — SCXI_Scale
NI-DAQ FRM for PC Compatibles 2-352
National Instruments Corporation
status = SCXI_Scale (SCXIchassisID, moduleSlot, channel, SCXIgain, TBgain, DAQboard,
DAQchannel, DAQgain, numPoints, binArray, scaledArray)
Scales an array of binary data acquired from an SCXI channel to voltage or frequency.
SCXI_Scale uses stored software calibration constants if applicable for the given module
when it scales the data. The SCXI-1122, SCXI-1126, and SCXI-1141 have default software
calibration constants loaded from the module EEPROM; all other analog input modules have
no software calibration constants unless you follow the analog input calibration procedure
outlined in the
SCXI_Cal_Constants function description.
Name Type Description
SCXIchassisID i16 SCXI chassis ID number
moduleSlot i16 SCXI module slot number
channel i16 SCXI channel from which the data was acquired
SCXIgain f64 SCXI gain or range setting for the channel
TBgain f64 gain applied at SCXI terminal block, if any
DAQboard i16 device number of the DAQ device that acquired
the data
DAQchannel i16 onboard DAQ channel used in the acquisition
DAQgain i16 DAQ device gain used in the acquisition
numPoints u32 number of data points to scale
binArray [i16] binary data returned from acquisition
Name Type Description
scaledArray [f64] array of scaled data