
Appendix A Status Codes
NI-DAQ FRM for PC Compatibles A-22
National Instruments Corporation
–10848 noDMACountAvailError The driver could not obtain a valid
reading from the transfer-count register
in the DMA controller.
–10849 OpenFileError The configuration file could not be
–10850 closeFileError Unable to close a file.
–10851 fileSeekError Unable to seek within a file.
–10852 readFileError Unable to read from a file.
–10853 writeFileError Unable to write to a file.
–10854 miscFileError An error occurred accessing a file.
–10855 osUnsupportedError NI-DAQ does not support the current
operation on this particular version of
the operating system.
–10856 osError An unexpected error occurred from the
operating system while performing the
given operation.
–10857 internalKernelError An unexpected error occurred inside the
kernel while performing this operation.
–10880 updateRateChangeError A change to the update rate is not
possible at this time because 1) when
waveform generation is in progress, you
cannot change the interval timebase or
2) when you make several changes in a
row, you must give each change enough
time to take effect before requesting
further changes.
–10881 partialTransferCompleteError You cannot do another transfer after a
successful partial transfer.
–10882 daqPollDataLossError The data collected on the remote SCXI
unit was overwritten before it could be
transferred to the buffer in the host. Try
using a slower data acquisition rate if
Table A-1.
Status Code Summary (Continued)
Status Code Status Name Description