NI-DAQ FRM for PC Compatibles I-6
National Instruments Corporation
DIG_Block_Clear, 2-148
DIG_Block_In, 2-149 to 2-151
DIG_Block_Out, 2-152 to 2-153
2-154 to 2-157
DIG_DB_Config, 2-158 to 2-159
DIG_DB_HalfReady, 2-160 to 2-161
DIG_DB_Transfer, 2-162 to 2-163
DIG_SCAN_Setup, 2-188 to 2-191
definition, 1-13
DIG_In_Line, 2-173 to 2-174
DIG_In_Port, 2-175 to 2-176
DIG_Line_Config, 2-177
DIG_Out_Line, 2-179 to 2-180
DIG_Out_Port, 2-181 to 2-182
DIG_Prt_Config, 2-183 to 2-185
DIG_Prt_Status, 2-186 to 2-187
DIG_Trigger_Config, 2-192 to 2-194
group mode
DIG_Grp_Config, 2-164 to 2-165
DIG_Grp_Mode, 2-166 to 2-168
DIG_Grp_Status, 2-169 to 2-170
DIG_In_Grp, 2-171 to 2-172
DIG_Out_Grp, 2-178
DIG_SCAN_Setup, 2-188 to 2-191
LabWindows function panel tree, 1-9
NI-DAQ function support (table)
AT-DIO-32F, DAQDIO 6533,
DIO-24, DIO-96, PC-OPDIO-16,
and VXI-DIO-128 devices,
C-12 to C-14
DSA devices, C-9
Lab/516/DAQCard-500/700 devices,
MIO and AI devices, C-3 to C-4
DIG_SCAN_Setup function, 2-188 to 2-191
bidirectional port configuration (table),
digital scanning input group handshaking
connections (figure), 2-190
digital scanning output group
handshaking connections (figure),
DIG_Trigger_Config function, 2-192 to 2-194
dithering, 2-284
DMA buffer. See Align_DMA_Buffer
about the National Instruments
documentation set, xix
conventions used in manual, xiv-xvii
how to use manual set, xiii
organization of manual, xiii-xiv
related documentation, xx
double-buffered digital I/O functions
DIG_DB_Config, 2-158 to 2-159
DIG_DB_HalfReady, 2-160 to 2-161
DIG_DB_Transfer, 2-162 to 2-163
DSA device function support (table),
C-9 to C-10
E series devices, signal name equivalencies
(table), 2-387
EEPROM organization, 2-329. See also
calibration functions.
e-mail support, D-2
event counting
buffered event counting application,
2-235 to 2-237
GPCTR_Set_Application function,
2-217 to 2-218
simple event counting (figure), 2-217
event message functions
Config_Alarm_Deadband, 2-63 to 2-66
2-67 to 2-70
2-71 to 2-82