Appendix A Status Codes
NI-DAQ FRM for PC Compatibles A-4
National Instruments Corporation
–10031 badChassisIDError The specified SCXI chassis does not
correspond to a configured SCXI
–10032 badModuleSlotError The SCXI module slot that was
specified is invalid or corresponds to an
empty slot.
–10033 invalidWinHandleError The window handle passed to the
function is invalid.
–10034 noSuchMessageError No configured message matches the
one you tried to delete.
–10035 irrelevantAttributeError The specified attribute is not relevant.
–10036 badYearError The specified year is invalid.
–10037 badMonthError The specified month is invalid.
–10038 badDayError The specified day is invalid.
–10039 stringTooLongError The specified input string is too long.
For instance, DAQScope 5102 devices
can only store a string up to 32 bytes in
length on the calibration EEPROM. In
that case, please shorten the string.
–10080 badGainError The gain is invalid.
–10081 badPretrigCountError The pretrigger sample count is invalid.
–10082 badPosttrigCountError The posttrigger sample count is invalid.
–10083 badTrigModeError The trigger mode is invalid.
–10084 badTrigCountError The trigger count is invalid.
–10085 badTrigRangeError The trigger range or trigger hysteresis
window is invalid.
–10086 badExtRefError The external reference is invalid.
–10087 badTrigTypeError The trigger type is invalid.
–10088 badTrigLevelError The trigger level is invalid.
Table A-1.
Status Code Summary (Continued)
Status Code Status Name Description