Chapter 2 Function Reference — Set_DAQ_Device_Info
National Instruments Corporation 2-389 NI-DAQ FRM for PC Compatibles
status = Set_DAQ_Device_Info (deviceNumber, infoType, infoValue)
This function can be used to change the data transfer mode (interrupts and DMA) for certain
classes of data acquisition operations, some settings for an SC-2040 track-and-hold accessory
and an SC-2043-SG strain-gauge accessory, as well as the source for the CLK1 signal on the
DAQCard-700. Refer to the Using This Function section to determine which settings can be
changed for your device.
Parameter Discussion
Legal ranges for the infoType and infoValue are given in terms of constants that are defined
in a header file. The header file you should use depends on which of the following languages
you are using:
• C programmers—
• BASIC programmers—
NIDAQCNS.INC (Visual Basic for Windows programmers should
refer to the Programming Language Considerations section in Chapter 1, Using the
NI-DAQ Functions, for more information.)
• Pascal programmers—
infoType indicates which parameter you want to change. Use infoValue to specify the
corresponding new value.
Values that infoType accepts depend on the device you are using. The legal range for
infoValue depends on the device you are using and infoType.
Name Type Description
deviceNumber i16 assigned by configuration utility
infoType u32 parameter you want to modify
infoValue u32 new value you want to assign to the parameter
specified by infoType