Chapter 4: 7401-4xxx Hardware Installation 4-3
9. On the Settings tab, select the Down arrow in the Default input
language section and select English (United Kingdom) – United
Kingdom as the default.
10. At the bottom of the dialog, select the Apply button and then the
OK button.
11. Exit the Control Panel.
Windows NT
1. From the Windows Start button, select Settings > Control Panel >
Regional Settings.
2. On the General tab, select the Down arrow in the selection box and
select English (United Kingdom) from the list.
3. Select the Input Locales tab.
4. Highlight the EN English (United Kingdom) option in the Input
locales window and select the Properties button.
5. Select the Down arrow on the Keyboard layout selection box and
select United Kingdom from the list, then select the OK button.
6. Highlight the EN English (United Kingdom) option in the Input
locales window and select the Set as Default button.
7. Select the Apply button. If the Files Needed dialog pops up, enter
“C:\intall\i386” in the Copy files from: box and select the OK button.
8. Restart Windows.