
6-8 Chapter 6: Operating System Recovery
Gold Disk Contents
This section describes the contents of each of the Gold Disk Images,
including all the additions and changes that were made on top of the
generic operating system.
Note: For each operating system, NCR strongly recommends that the
drivers placed in the c:\install directory be left there for the
purposes of servicing and maintaining the system. If you are using the
information in this section to build your own operating system image
and not using NCR's provided OS Recovery image as a base image,
then we recommend that all installed drivers be placed in a similar
c:\install directory for support.
Microsoft Operating System License Agreements
When purchasing a workstation or kiosk preloaded with a Microsoft
operating system, the application provider must follow certain license
agreement guidelines. Listed below are some of the major points of
Microsoft’s “Embedded Software” agreement, which currently covers
DOS, Win 3.11, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows
2000, and Windows XPe.
The end user application should not permit the user (typically a
cashier) to exit the application so that they may be able to browse
the operating system desktop, explorer, or other Microsoft
operating system user interface elements. This does not apply to
servicing, upgrading, or diagnosing problems for the workstation
by services or field engineers. This restriction is meant to ensure
that the end user is only permitted to navigate within the confines
of the end user’s application under normal operating conditions.
The NCR OS Recovery image can only be used to recover or update
systems with licenses procured from NCR.