6-20 Chapter 6: Operating System Recovery
NCR 7401-/22xx/25xx/26xx/32xx/35xx NT Operating System
Recovery Software
(LPIN: D370-0483-0100)
Note: This product should only be used on 7401 terminals with a
Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 4.0 license.
7401-22xx/25xx/26xx/32xx/35xx NT Operating System Recovery
Software provides the means of restoring the operating system to the
hard disk of a 7401 terminal that has either a Summa or Summa II
processor board. The bootstrap program (di_intel.bsd) and disk
recovery boot image (di_intel.bid) are downloaded to the target
terminal over the network and restore the hard disk to the preinstalled
state as shipped from the factory. The following software is installed:
• Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 4.0 with Service Pack 6a
• Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 SP1 (6.0.2800.1106 SP1)
• MicroTouch drivers (5.63 SR3)
• SMI Lynx 3DM Video driver (4.00.1381.0178)
• SoundFusion Audio driver (4.01.2086)
• ESS Allegro Audio (
• Intel 82559 Ethernet LAN drivers (
• NCRSYSM driver (
• Windows Installer (2.0)
The following drivers are not installed automatically, but can be
installed from their respective locations:
• Backpack CD-ROM (2.04) C:\Install\Drivers\CDRom
• Edgeport USB (2.15) C:\Install\Drivers\USB
• USB Camera (2.15) C:\Install\Drivers\Camera
Configures the following settings/revisions:
• Preinstalls NT to include the Product ID Number (PID)