Integrated CD-ROM, 2-26
Internal speaker, 1-33, 2-27
Interrupts (7401-26xx/46xx BIOS), 5-24
Interrupts (Pentium III/Celeron), 5-14
Interrupts (Pentium), 5-30
Interrupts, allocating, 5-5
ISA interrupts, 5-5
Kit Configuration Diagram, 1-9
LAN status LEDs, 1-35, 2-29
LCD adapter board, 1-26, 2-21
LCD backlight inverter module, 1-26, 2-21
Magnetic stripe reader, 1-16, 1-19, 2-13,
Magnetic Stripe Reader, 2-25
Memory cache, setting, 5-4
Memory Map (7401-26xx/46xx BIOS),
Memory Map (Pentium III/Celeron), 5-16
Memory Map (Pentium), 5-31
Memory shadow, setting, 5-5
MicroTouch Touchscreen, 3-53, 4-27
retail applications, 1-41
retail peripherals, 1-41
retail systems, 1-42
Model number, 1-2, 2-2
Motion sensor, 1-34, 2-28
Motorized Card Reader, 2-24
Mounting a Fixed-Angle Mount
Terminal, 3-21
Mounting the terminal
Tilt mount, 3-32
Wall mount, 3-23, 3-25
Wall mount – core module, 3-34
MSR, 1-16, 1-19, 2-13, 2-14
NCR 7401/7890 or 7892 Scanner
Differences, 8-1
Operating System Recovery
using CD-ROM, 6-1
Operating System Restrictions, 6-9
Operator display
Description, 1-26, 2-21
OS Recovery from a Larger Disk Image,
Clearing, 5-3
Password setup, 5-3
PCI expansion header, 1-15, 2-12
Pentium III connectors, 1-39
Pin Pad, 2-24
Plug and Play, 1-23, 2-18
POS connector board, 1-34, 2-27
Features, 1-5, 2-4
Power LED, 1-19, 2-15
Power OK LED, 1-35, 2-29
Power supply
Description, 1-36, 2-29, 2-30
Power/status LED, 1-35, 2-28
Printer Installation, 3-13
Printers, 1-29