1-18 Chapter 1: 7401-2xxx and 3xxx Product Overview
NCR Retail Specific Hardware
The Processor Board contains logic that provides support for the
custom retail interface. The logic controls the following features:
• Dual Cash Drawer Support
• Cash Drawer Diagnostic Support
• Magnetic Stripe Reader Interface
• Motion Detector
• Touch Screen Interface
Cash Drawer Support
An integrated retail specific feature of the processor is the cash drawer
circuitry. The onboard circuitry internal to the board provides the
control for two external cash drawers. A portion of the POS Board
header (J6) is provided on the board to interface to the dual cash
drawer connector. Header J6 only contains the control signals; it does
not provide power. Software controls the cash drawer(s) through I/O
port 00Exh. This means it can be I/O ports E0/E1h, E2/E3h, E4/E5h,
or EA/EBh depending on the configuration of the SMC I/O
controller's GPIO port(s). Default setting is E0/E1h.
Cash Drawer I/O Port Bit Definition:
Bit # Description Bit = 1 Bit = 0
7 Solenoid B Control Turns off solenoid
Activates solenoid
6 Solenoid A Control
Turns off solenoid
Activates solenoid
5 Reserved Reserved Reserved
4 Reserved Reserved Reserved
3 Solenoid B Status Solenoid B output
Solenoid B output
2 Solenoid A Status Solenoid A output
Solenoid A output
1 Reserved Reserved Reserved
0 Cash Drawer(s) Status Drawer(s) open Drawer(s) closed