
2-126 Command Line Interface Commands Reference
ike phase1 { name | index } tag string
show ike phase1 { name | index } tag
These commands name or display the specified IKE Phase1 profile.
ike phase1 { name | index } mode { main | aggressive }
show ike phase1 { name | index } mode
These commands set or display whether the specified IKE Phase1 profile uses main mode or aggressive mode.
ike phase1 { name | index } identity { remote | local } { ipv4-address | ipv4-subnet | ipv4-range | hostname |
e-mail-address | ascii-key-id | hex- key-id } string
show ike phase1 { name | index } identity [ { remote | local } ]
These commands set or display the specified IKE Phase1 profile’s local or remote identity type and value.
The identity type specifies the type of Identity value to be used. Possible types are: ipv4-address, ipv4-subnet,
ipv4-range, hostname, e-mail-address, ascii-key-id, and hex-key-id. The identity value specifies a value of the
specified type as follows:
ike phase1 { name | index } authentication method { shared-secret }
show ike phase1 { name | index } authentication method
These commands set or display the specified IKE Phase1 profile’s authentication method. Currently, the only
supported method is shared-secret; others may be added in the future.
Identity Type Format of Identity Value
IPv4 Address A single IPv4 address in the familiar dotted-quad notation (a.b.c.d)
IPv4 Subnet A single IPv4 network address in the familiar dotted-quad notation (a.b.c.d)
followed by a mask specified EITHER by a slash and a bit-count between 0 and
32 OR by a second dotted-quad.
IPv4 Range Two IPv4 addresses in the familiar dotted quad notation (a.b.c.d) separated by
a space.
Host Name A fully-qualified domain name (FQDN)
E-Mail Address An RFC 822 e-mail address in the form user@hostname
Key ID (ASCII) An opaque string consisting of printable ASCII characters represented as a
sequence of printable ASCII characters
Key ID (HEX) An opaque string consisting of arbitrary 8-bit ASCII values represented as a
sequence of HEXADECIMAL digits, each of which corresponds to one nibble of
the string value