2-42 Command Line Interface Commands Reference
interface ethernet 0 address-serve netbios scope name domain-name
show interface ethernet 0 address-serve netbios scope name
These commands allow you to set or show the domain name under which the NetBIOS scope is enabled.
interface ethernet 0 address-serve netbios name-server enable { yes | no }
no interface ethernet 0 address-serve netbios name-server enable
show interface ethernet 0 address-serve netbios name-server enable
These commands allow you to set, delete, or show whether a NetBIOS name server address is served to
NetBIOS clients.
interface ethernet 0 address-serve netbios name-server address xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx [secondary]
show interface ethernet 0 address-serve netbios name-server address
These commands allow you to set or show the IP address of the NetBIOS name server.
If the keyword secondary is specified and there is no primary WINS server the command will be rejected as
CLI_NO_CFG_SUPPORT_ERR, with the error message "; error 2: not supported with current configuration“.