3-16 Command Line Interface Commands Reference
cp { name | index } telco dn [ 1 | 2 ] string
This command allows you to set the profile’s directory number, or number-to-dial (DN). The number can be up to
32 characters in length and may contain non-dialable characters, which are ignored when placing a call.
Note: For the cp and no cp versions of this command, if no DN index is specified, 1 is assumed. For the show
cp version of this command, if no DN index is specified, both DNs will be displayed, each on its own line.
cp { name | index } telco prefix string
This command allows you to set the profile’s dial prefix. The prefix can be up to three characters long and may
contain non-dialable characters, which are ignored when placing a call. The prefix field is prepended to the
directory number when placing a call.
Note: This parameter is used ONLY by routers with analog modem interfaces installed.
cp { name | index } telco callback { yes | no }
This command allows you to configure a profile so that when it is used to accept an incoming call, the router will
hang up that call and use its (prefix and) directory number to call back the device that originated the initial call.
This is useful when you want a particular party to be billed for WAN connections.
cp { name | index } ip nat enable { yes | no }
This command allows you to enable or disable Network Address Translation for the profile. Enabling NAT is not
sufficient – you must also attach a rule list and optionally a server list using the commands below.
cp { name | index } ip nat rule-list list-tag
This command allows you to attach a previously configured IP NAT rule list to a particular profile. list-tag should
be the name of the desired rule list to use for this profile.
no cp { name | index } ip nat rule-list
This command allows you to detach an IP NAT rule list from a particular profile.
cp { name | index } ip nat server-list list-tag
This command allows you to attach a previously configured IP NAT server list to a particular profile. list-tag
should be the name of the desired server list to use for this profile.
no cp { name | index } ip nat server-list
This command allows you to detach an IP NAT Server List from a particular profile.
show cp { name | index } id
This command displays a connection profile’s name and index number. name can be any unique descriptive
alphanumeric string. index can be any value from 1 to 16.