Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-13
System Heartbeat Configuration Commands
Note: The commands in this section are supported beginning with firmware version 8.5.
System Heartbeat Configuration Commands
heartbeat enable { yes | no }
show heartbeat enable
heartbeat protocol { udp | tcp }
show heartbeat protocol
heartbeat client-port port
show heartbeat client-port
heartbeat interval time (in seconds)
show heartbeat interval time
heartbeat count count
show heartbeat count
heartbeat sleep-time time (in seconds)
show heartbeat sleep-time
heartbeat server port port
show heartbeat server port
heartbeat server address address
show heartbeat server address
heartbeat server url url
show heartbeat server url
heartbeat interval contact-email email_address
show heartbeat interval contact-email
heartbeat interval location location
show heartbeat interval location
reset heartbeat