
2-36 Command Line Interface Commands Reference
Virtual LAN (VLAN) configuration commands
Note: See also “RADIUS Authentication Profile configuration commands” on page 2-39 and “Additional LAN
configuration command” on page 2-16.
vlan id by [ port-based | global ]
no vlan id
These commands allow you to create or delete a VLAN specified by id and designate it either port-based or
global. You can create up to 16 VLANs.
VLAN Configuration Commands
vlan id by [ port-based | global ]
no vlan id
vlan id name name
vlan id network { none | lan | eth2 | eth3 | eth4 | eth5 | eth6 | eth7 }
vlan id id { 1 .. 4094 } (supported in V8.6.1)
vlan id 8021x authprofile { authprofile tag name | authprofile id }
no vlan id 8021x authprofile
vlan id interface eth { 1 | 2 | 0/1 | 0/...n } tag { yes | no }
[ tos-priority { off | on -} ]
[ iptos-promote { off | on } ]
[ authprofile { name | id } ]
[ inter-vlan-routing { group-1... group-8 } enable { yes | no } ]
no vlan id interface eth { 1 | 2 | 0/1 | 0/...n }
vlan id interface ssid n tag { yes | no }
no vlan id interface ssid n
vlan id interface usb 0 tag { yes | no }
no vlan id interface usb 0
vlan id interface cp n tag { yes | no }
no vlan id interface cp n
show config vlan { id }