The system should respond correctly to all voice
commands without difficulty. If problems are en-
countered, try the following solutions.
Where the solutions are listed by number, try
each solutionin turn,starting with number1, until
the problem is resolved.
Symptom Solution
System failsto interpret the commandcorrectly.
1. Ensurethat the command isvalid. See “List ofvoice commands”in this section.
2. Ensurethat the command isspoken after the tone.
3. Speakclearly without pausing betweenwords and at alevel appropriate tothe ambient noise levelin the vehicle.
4. Ensurethat the ambient noiselevel is not excessive(for example, windowsopen or defroster on). NOTE: If itis too
noisy touse the phone, itis likely that thevoice commands willnot be recognized.
5. Ifmore than one commandwas said at atime, try sayingthe commands separately.
6. Ifthe system consistently failsto recognize commands, thevoice training procedureshould be carried outto im-
prove therecognition response for thespeaker. See “Speaker Adaptation(SA) mode”in this section.
The systemconsistently selects the wrongentry from the
phone book.
1. Ensurethat the phone bookentry name requested matcheswhat was originallystored. This can beconfirmed by
using the“List Names”command. See “Phonebook”in this section.
2. Replaceone of the namesbeing confused with anew name.
4-80 Display screen, heater, air conditioner, audio and phone systems