● It is extremely dangerous to ride
in a cargo area inside a vehicle. In
a collision, people riding in these
areas are more likely to be seri-
ously injured or killed.
● Do not allow people to ride in any
area of your vehicle that is not
equipped with seats and seat
● Be sure everyone in your vehicle
is in a seat and using a seat belt
It is important to familiarize yourself with
the following terms before loading your
● Curb Weight (actual weight of your
vehicle) - vehicle weight including:
standard andoptional equipment,flu-
ids, emergency tools, and spare tire
assembly. This weight does not in-
clude passengers and cargo.
● GVW (Gross Vehicle Weight) - curb
weight plus the combined weight of
passengers and cargo.
● GVWR (Gross Vehicle Weight Rat-
ing) - maximum total combined
weight of the unloaded vehicle, pas-
sengers, luggage, hitch, trailer
tongue load and any other optional
equipment. This information is lo-
cated on the F.M.V.S.S./C.M.V.S.S.
certification label.
● GAWR (Gross Axle Weight Rating) -
maximum weight(load) limit specified
for the front or rear axle. This informa-
tion is located on the
F.M.V.S.S./C.M.V.S.S. certification
● GCWR (Gross Combined Weight
rating) - The maximum total weight
rating of the vehicle, passengers,
cargo, and trailer.
● Vehicle Capacity Weight, Load limit,
Total load capacity - maximum total
weight limit specified of the load
(passengers and cargo) for the ve-
hicle. This is the maximum combined
weight of occupants and cargo that
can be loaded into the vehicle. If the
vehicle is used to tow a trailer, the
trailer tongue weight must be in-
cluded as part of the cargo load. This
information is located on the Tire and
Loading Information label (if so
● Cargo capacity - permissible weight
of cargo, the subtracted weight of
occupants from the load limit.
Before driving a loaded vehicle, confirm
that you do not exceed the Gross Vehicle
Weight Rating (GVWR) orthe Gross Axle
Weight Rating (GAWR) for your vehicle.
Both the GVWR and GAWR are located
on the F.M.V.S.S./C.M.V.S.S. certification
label. See “Measurementof weights”later
in this section.
Technical and consumer information 9-13