The following are approximate capacities. The actual refill capacities may be a little different. When refilling, follow the procedure
described in the “Maintenance and do-it-yourself”section to determine the proper refill capacity.
Capacity (Approximate) Recommended Fluidsand Lubricants
US measure Imp measure Liter
Fuel 28 gal 23-1/4gal 105.8 See “FuelRecommendation (withoutFlexible FuelVehicleOption)”or “FlexibleFuel Ve-
hicle (FFV)Fuel Recommendation”later inthis section.
Engine oil*7
Drain andRefill
With oilfilter change 6-7/8qt 5-3/4qt 6.5
• Engineoil withAPI CertificationMark *1
• ViscositySAE 5W-30
Without oilfilter change 6-1/2qt 5-1/2 qt 6.2
Cooling system
With reservoir 3-1/4gal 2-5/8 gal 12.2 Pre-diluted GenuineNISSAN LongLife Antifreeze/Coolant(blue) orequivalent
Automatic transmissionfluid Refill tothe properlevel accordingto theinstructions inthe
“Maintenance anddo-it-yourself”section.
Genuine NISSANMatic SATF *2
Powersteering fluid(PSF) Genuine NISSANPSF orequivalent *3
Brake fluid Genuine NISSANSuper HeavyDuty BrakeFluid *4or equivalentDOT3
Multi-purpose grease — — — NLGI No.2 (LithiumSoap base)
Air conditioningsystem refrigerant — — — HFC-134a(R-134a) *5
Air conditioningsystem oil — — — GenuineNISSAN A/CSystem OilType Sor equivalent*5
Transfer fluid 2-1/8 qt 1-3/4qt 2.0 Genuine NISSANMatic DATF recommended*6
Front finaldrive oil 3-3/8 pt 2-7/8pt 1.6 Genuine NISSANDifferential OilHypoid SuperGL-580W -90 orAPI GL-5Viscosity
SAE 80W-90Gear Oil,*8
Rear finaldrive oil 4-1/4pt 3-1/2 pt 2.0 GenuineNISSAN DifferentialOil Synthetic75W-140 orAPI GL-5 syntheticgear oil,
Viscosity SAE75W-140 *9
Windshield-washer fluid(shared between
front andrear wipers)
1-1/4 gal 1gal 4.5 Genuine NISSANWindshield Washer ConcentrateCleaner &Antifreeze orequivalent
*1: Forfurther details,see “Engineoil andoil filterrecommendations”in thissection.
*2: IfGenuine NISSANMatic SATF isnot available,Genuine NISSANMatic JATF mayalso beused. Usingautomatic transmissionfluid otherthan GenuineNISSAN MaticS ATFor Genuine
NISSAN MaticJ AFTwill causedeterioration indriveability andautomatic transmissiondurability,and maydamage theautomatic transmission,which isnot coveredby theNISSAN newvehicle
limited warranty.
*3: DEXRON™VI typeATF mayalso beused.
*4: Availablein mainlandUSA througha NISSANdealer.
*5: Forfurther details,see “Air conditionerspecification label”in thissection.
*6: Usingfluid otherthan GenuineNISSAN MaticD ATFwill causedeterioration indriveability andtransfer durability,and maydamage thetransfer, whichis notcovered bythe NISSANnew vehicle
limited warranty.
*7: Forfurther details,see “Changingengine oil”in the“Maintenance anddo-it-yourself”section.
*8: Forhot climates,Viscosity SAE90 issuitable forambient temperaturesabove 0°C (32°F).
*9: Seea NISSANdealer forservice forsynthetic oil.
9-2 Technical and consumer information