● Properly secure all cargo with ropes or
straps to help prevent it from sliding or
shifting. Do not place cargo higher than
the seatbacks. In a sudden stop or col-
lision, unsecured cargo could cause
personal injury.
● Do not load your vehicle any heavier
than the GVWR or the maximum front
and rearGAWRs. If youdo, parts ofyour
vehicle can break, tire damage could
occur, or it can change the way your
vehicle handles. This could result in
loss of control and cause personal
1. Side channels
2. Header channel
3. Channel sections
4. Floor channels
(if so equipped)
● Properly install and tighten the tie-
down cleats into the Utili-track™ chan-
nel system.Also, do not attachany rope
or strapsdirectly to the channel.Failure
to properlyinstall thetie-down cleatsor
attaching ropes or straps directly to the
channel cancause the cargoto become
unsecured. In a sudden stop or colli-
sion, unsecured cargo could cause per-
sonal injury.
● Properly secure all cargo with ropes or
straps to help prevent it from sliding or
shifting. In a sudden stop or collision,
unsecured cargo could cause personal
The Utili-track™ channel system allows you to
move tie-down clamps in the bed to the best
location to secure a load.
The tie-down cleats must be installed so the
clampis properlyseated inthe notchesin therail.
If the tie-down cleat is not seated in the notches,
it will not be flush with the rail and cannot be
properly tightened. The bolt in the center of the
cleat must be tightened hand tight (20 – 40 inch
9-16 Technical and consumer information