1. Two master keys (black) with transpon-
der chip and chrome NISSAN brand
symbol on one side
2. Transponder chip
3. Key number plate
A key number plate is supplied with your keys.
Record thekey numberand keepit ina safeplace
(such asyour wallet), notin thevehicle. If youlose
your keys, see a NISSAN dealerfor duplicates by
using the key number. NISSAN does not record
key numbers so it is very important to keep track
of your key number plate.
A key number is only necessary when you have
lost all keys and do not have one to duplicate
from. If you still have a key, your NISSAN dealer
can duplicate it.
1. Two Intelligent Keys
2. Mechanical keys (inside Intelligent
3. Key number plate
Yourvehicle canonly bedriven with theIntelligent
Keys which are registered to your vehicle’s Intel-
ligent Key system components and NISSAN Ve-
hicle Immobilizer System components.
LPD0348 LPD0350
3-2 Pre-driving checks and adjustments