While connected to the vehicle, the iPodா can
only be operated by the vehicle audio controls.
*iPodா is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in
the U.S. and other countries.
The following models are compatible:
● iPodா Classic - 1st through 6th generation
● iPodா Mini - 1st and 2nd generation
● iPodா Nano - 1st through 3rd generation
● iPodா Touch - 1st generation
● iPhoneா - 1st generation
Make sure that your iPodா firmware is updated to
the version indicated above.
Audio main operation
iPodா button:
Place the ignition switch in the ACC or ON
position and press the iPodா button to switch to
the iPodா mode.
If anotheraudio sourceis playing andthe iPodா is
connected, press the iPodா button to switch to
the iPodா mode.
If the system is turned off while the iPodா is
playing, theiPodா willstart whenthe PWRbutton
is pressed.
Top menu item selecting:
Press the iPodா MENU button while the iPodா is
connected toshow the interfacefor iPodா opera-
tion on the audio display. The items can be cho-
sen from the menu list screen by pressing the
SEEK button
or while the iPodா is
operational. The display pattern can be changed
as follows:
Playlists → Artists → Albums → Songs → Pod-
casts → Genres → Composers → Audiobooks
For more information about each item, see the
iPodா owner’s manual.
ENTER and BACK buttons:
Press the ENTER button while the top menu is
displayed to show program details on the audio
display. Use theSEEK buttons
or to
scroll through the choices and press the ENTER
button to make a selection. Press the BACK
button to return to the previous display.
iPodா play information:
Press the DISP TEXT button for less than 1.5
seconds whilea programis playing tochange the
displayed program information as follows:
Excluding Podcast:
Album Title → Artist Name → Song Title →
Normal Mode
Album Title → Song Title → Normal Mode
For more information about Podcasts, see the
iPodா owner’s manual.
When the TUNE/FF-REW/FOLDER button is
or for more than 1.5 sec-
onds while the iPodா is playing, the iPodா will
play while fast forwarding or reversing. When the
button is released, the iPodா will return to the
normal play speed.
When the TUNE/FF-REW/FOLDER button is
or for less than 1.5 sec-
onds while the iPodா is playing, the next track or
the beginning of the current track on the iPodா
will be played.
SCAN/RPT button:
Press the SCAN/RPT button while a track is
playing to change the play pattern as follows:
Excluding Podcast and Audiobook:
4-48 Display screen, heater, air conditioner, audio and phone systems