FM display mode
To change the text displayed while listening to an
FM station that broadcasts with Radio Data Sys-
tem (RDS), press the DISP button. The DISP
button will allow you to change RDS information
as follows: Station call number → Program type
→ Station information → Station call number.
● Station call number displays the radio fre-
quency number of the station.
● Program type displays the type or category
of radio station.
● Station information displays information the
radio station wants to broadcast.
For additional information, see “Radio data sys-
tem (RDS)” later in this section.
CD display mode
To change the text displayed while playing a CD
with text,press theDISP button.The DISPbutton
will allowyou to scroll throughCD text asfollows:
Track number and Track time ←→ Disc title ←→
Track number and Track title.
● Track number displays the number selected
on the disc.
● Track time displays the amount of time the
track has played.
● Disc title displays the title of the CD being
● Track title displays the title of the selected
CD track.
MP3 display mode
To change the text displayed when listeningto an
MP3 with MP3 text (when CD with text is being
used), press the DISP button. The DISP button
will scroll through the CD text as follows: Track
number and Track time ←→ Folder number and
Folder title ←→ Album title ←→ Artist title ←→
Song title ←→ Disc title ←→ Track number and
Track title.
● Track number and time displays the number
of thetrackand howlong ithas beenplaying.
● Folder number and title displays the number
of the folder and the name.
● Album title displays the album name of the
track playing.
● Artist title displays the artist name of the
track playing.
● Song title displays the song name of the
track playing.
● Disc title displays the disc name of the CD
● Track number and title displays the number
of the track and the name.
Display satellite radio display mode (if so
To change the text displayed when listening to
satellite radio (if so equipped) press the DISP
button. The DISP button will scroll through the
broadcast information as follows: Name ←→
Title ←→ Current display mode.
To change the default display mode press the
AUDIO button to display mode and press the
TUNE button to select the following display
modes: Channel number ←→ Channel name
←→ Name ←→ Title. Once the display mode is
selected press the AUDIO button again to store
the setting. If the AUDIO button is not pressed
after 8 seconds the display will refresh with the
last selected display mode setting.
● Channel number mode displays the channel
number of the selected satellite radio sta-
● Channel name mode displays the channel
name of the selected satellite radio station.
● Name mode displays the name of the artist,
host or weather condition of the selected
satellite radio station.
4-32 Display screen, heater, air conditioner, audio and phone systems