1 Quick Start
MiLLennium GPSCard Software Version 4.50 Command Descriptions Manual Rev 1 13
The View menu options allow you to select or de-select various visual aids and display screens. Take a look at all
of the options and keep open those you wish to display. To send commands and log data the Command Console
screen should be visible. ASCII format logs can be monitored on the ASCII Record screen.
e.g. On the command line of the Command Console screen type:
log com1 posa once
After you hit the <Enter> key the ASCII Record screen will display the output for your current position. The
B log is described on Page 178.
The GPSCard has four major logging formats:
• NovAtel Format Data Logs (ASCII/Binary)
NMEA Standard Format Data Logs (ASCII)
RTCM Standard Format Data Logs (Binary)
RTCA Standard Format Data Logs (Binary)
All data types can be logged using several methods of triggering each log event. Each log is initiated using the
command. The LOG command and syntax are listed following.