D Logs summary
222 MiLLennium GPSCard Software Version 4.50 Command Descriptions Manual Rev 1
3.5479600E+007,2.60000000E+004,0.00000000E+000,0.00000000E+000,0.00000000E+000*32 [CR][LF]
$WALA week seconds WAAS week WAAS seconds
prn data ID health
pos X pos Y pos Z
vel X vel Y vel Z
Field # Field type Data Description Example
1 $WALA Log header $WALA
2 week GPS week number 981
3 seconds GPS seconds into the week 447490.88
4 WAAS week WAAS week number 981
5 WAAS seconds WAAS seconds into the week at time of application 447360
6 prn WAAS GEO satellite PRN number 122
7 data ID Version of WAAS signal specification, see Table D-14 0
8 health Health and status of the WAAS GEO satellite, see Table D-13 0
9 pos X Position x coordinate of WAAS GEO satellite at WAAS seconds (Field #5) 2.5789400E+007
10 pos Y Position y coordinate of WAAS GEO satellite at WAAS seconds (Field #5) -3.5479600E+007
11 pos Z Position z coordinate of WAAS GEO satellite at WAAS seconds (Field #5) 2.60000000E+004
12 vel X Velocity x coordinate of WAAS GEO satellite 0.00000000E+000
13 vel Y Velocity y coordinate of WAAS GEO satellite 0.00000000E+000
14 vel Z Velocity z coordinate of WAAS GEO satellite 0.00000000E+000
15 *xx Checksum *32
16 [CR][LF] Sentence terminator [CR] [LF]