C Commands Summary
84 MiLLennium GPSCard Software Version 4.50 Command Descriptions Manual Rev 1
This command permits you to configure the GPSCard COM port’s asynchronous drivers.
com2 19200,e,7,1,n,on,off
com1 1200,e,8,1,n,on,off
NOTE: Your GPSCard comes configured this way. If you have different parameters you should reconfigure the
communication protocol as per requirements.
This command enables versatile control of the DTR handshake line for use with output data logging in conjunction
with external devices such as a radio transmitter. The default state for the
COM1 or COM2 DTR line is always high.
com1_dtr toggle,high,300,150
com2_dtr toggle,low,200,110
COMn bps parity databits stopbits handshake echo FIFO
Syntax Value Description Default Example
COMn n = 1 or 2 Specify COM port com2
bps 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200,
38400, 57600 or 115,200
Specify bit rate 9600 19200
parity N (none), O (odd) or E (even) Specify parity N E
databits 7 or 8 Specify number of data bits 8 7
stopbits 1 or 2 Specify number of stop bits 1 1
handshake N (none), XON (Xon/Xoff) or CTS (CTS/RTS) Specify handshaking N N
echo ON or OFF Specify echo OFF ON
FIFO ON or OFF Transmit the First In First Out queue of the
GPSCard’s serial port UART.
COMn_DTR control
active [lead] [tail]
Syntax Option Description Default Example
COMn_DTR n = 1 or 2 Selects COM1 or COM2 port com1_dtr
control high control is always high high toggle
low control is always low
toggle control toggles between high and low
(active, lead, and tail fields are TOGGLE options only)
active high data available during high n/a high
low data available during low
lead variable lead time before data transmission (milliseconds) n/a 300
tail variable tail time after data transmission (milliseconds) n/a 150