1 Quick Start
22 MiLLennium GPSCard Software Version 4.50 Command Descriptions Manual Rev 1
Establishing differential mode of operation at the rover receiver is primarily a one-step process whereby the accept
command is used to enable reception of observation data from the reference station.
The accept command is primarily used to set the GPSCard’s COM port command interpreter for acceptance of
various data formats (see the
ACCEPT command in Chapter 2, Page 23 and Appendix C, Page 79).
accept com2 rtcm
Once intitialized, the rover GPSCard receiver will operate in single point mode until the differential messages are
received. If the data messages are lost, the GPSCard will revert to single point positioning until the pseudorange
correction messages are restored.
NOTE: Ensure that the GPSCard RTCMRULE settings agree with the bit rule being transmitted by the RTCM
reference station. Unless otherwise set, all GPSCards default to 6CR.
The GPSCard remote receiver has many options for information data logging. To monitor position status, the user
may find the
PRTKA/B logs to be the most informative. Other options exist, such as POSA/B and GPGGA. As well,
velocity data can be found in the
VLHA/B, SPHA/B and GPVTG logs. It is really up to your specific applications as to
the full range of logs you require.
ACCEPT port mode