D Logs summary
176 MiLLennium GPSCard Software Version 4.50 Command Descriptions Manual Rev 1
PAVA/B Position Averaging Status
These logs are meant to be used in conjunction with the POSAVE command. If the POSAVE command has not been
issued, all fields in the
PAVA/B logs except week and seconds will be zero. However, when position averaging is
underway, the various fields contain the parameters being used in the position averaging process. The log trigger
ONCHANGED is recommended, but ONTIME can also be used.
See the description of the
POSAVE command, Page 109.
See also Section A.3.2 Pseudorange Algorithms, Page 67.
NOTE: All quantities are referenced to the WGS84 ellipsoid, regardless of the use of the DATUM or USERDATUM
commands, except for the height parameter (field 6). The relation between the geoid and the WGS84
ellipsoid is the geoidal undulation, and can be obtained from the POSA/B logs.
Structure :
$PAVA,846,145872.00,51.11381167,-114.04356455,1068.100,26.2,12.1,54.9,7,1*0C [CR][LF]
$PAVA week seconds lat
lng hgt sdlat sdlng
sdhgt time samples *xx [CR][LF]
Field # Field type Data Description Example
1 $PAVA Log header $PAVA
2 week GPS week number 846
3 seconds GPS seconds into the week 145872.00
4 lat Average WGS84 latitude (degrees) 51.11381167
5 lng Average WGS84 longitude (degrees) -114.04356455
6 hgt Average height above sea level, or geoid (m) 1068.100
7 sdlat Estimated standard deviation of the average latitude (m) 26.2
8 sdlng Estimated standard deviation of the average longitude (m) 12.1
9 sdhgt Estimated standard deviation of the average height (m) 54.9
10 time Elapsed time of averaging (s) 7
11 samples Number of samples in the average 1
12 *xx Checksum *0C
13 [CR][LF] Sentence terminator [CR][LF]