The crosshair can appear on the outputs by selecting from the drop down menu. This
can be selected as either the analog (monitoring) output, the serial output, or both
Cursors Toolbar
Below these, we have the measurement toolbar.
This lets you enable either time measurement, or amplitude measurement cursors. For
each cursor type, two cursors may be placed in the trace windows, and moved about to
take measurements. Time values are displayed in microseconds, whilst amplitude values
are a relative difference between the two cursor positions. This amplitude can be
displayed in decimal or hex. Amplitudes are based upon the 10 bit video values in the
incoming data.
Click in the cursor 1 or cursor 2 box, to let you control which cursor you are affecting
when subsequently clicking in a trace window. The active cursor appears as a solid line,
whilst the other cursor becomes dotted. The colour of these cursors is determined in the
Options/Cursors menu selection in the waveform window.
To move the cursors as a pair, lock the cursors together by checking the ‘Track’ box.
Please note that it is not possible to control the main cursor by just clicking a new position
in the mini-pic, when either of the time or amplitude measurement cursors are active. The
cursor function box must be set back to None, to regain mouse control of the main
cursor. However, it is always possible to move the main cursor by editing the pixel and
line values in the crosshair position toolbar.
Video Standard Toolbar
This small toolbar only has one function, which is to change the video standard. The
video lock reference is unchanged. Using this drop down menu is identical to selecting
the video format from the Video section of the Engineering dialogue, and then pressing
‘Apply Standard’.
OmniView Cage Generator
OmniView contains a cage generator. By selecting the cage icon the Cage dialogue
To enable the display of a cage, press ‘Enable Cage’. To enable masks, select a mask
type from the drop down box. The mask will only be shown if Enable Cage is selected.
The OmniTek hardware contains two separate cage generators, one for safe action, and
one for safe title. Either can be used in the fixed or adjustable mode.