
Serial Interface
<UART mode>
Parity None, 0 fixed, 1 fixed, even, odd
Character length 7 bits, 8 bits
Transmission and reception bit sequence
LSB or MSB selectable
Clock source 1/8 or 1/32 of IOCLK
1/8 of timer 3 or timer 9 underflow
1/8 of external clock
Maximum bit rate
19.2 kbit/s (when IOCLK is 15 MHz)
Error detection during reception
Parity errors, overrun errors, framing errors
Buffers Independent buffers for transmission and reception
Reception and transmission buffers are both double buffers
Interrupts Transmission interrupts:
"Transmission end" or "transmission buffer empty" selectable
Reception interrupts:
"Reception end" or "reception end with error" selectable
<I2C mode>
Master transmission, master reception possible (No start sequence conflict detection function)