
Serial Interface
Bit No. Bit name Description
8 SCnTOE SBTn pin output control
0: When the internal clock is selected, the SBTn pin is an output only while
transmission is in progress (the SBTn pin is an input when in standby
mode or when an external clock is selected)
1: When the internal clock is selected, the SBTn pin is always an output
(the SBTn pin is an input when an external clock is selected)
9 SCnOD Transmission and reception bit sequence selection
0: From LSB
1: From MSB
10 SCnMD0 Protocol selection
0: Clock synchronous mode (1) (the SBOn pin is used as a data output, and
the SBIn pin is used as a data input)
1: Clock synchronous mode (2) (the SBOn pin is used as a data input and
output, and input on the SBIn pin is ignored)
13 to 11 "0" is returned when these bits are read.
14 SCnRXE Reception operation enable
0: Disabled
1: Enabled
15 SCnTXE Transmission operation enable
0: Disabled
1: Enabled