
I/O Ports
Port 5 dedicated output control register
Register symbol: P5SS
Address: x'36008049
Purpose: Along with P5MD, this register selects the content output on the port 5 pins.
Bit No. 76543210
Bit name - - P55S P54S P53S P52S P51S P50S
Reset 00111111
Access R R R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W
P55M; P55S 00:Serial 3 data output (SBO3)
01:Timer input/output (TM5IO) * 8-bit timer
10:Timer input/output (TM13IO) * 16-bit timer
11:General-purpose input/output port (P55)
P54M; P54S 00:Serial 3 data input (SBI3)
01:Timer input/output (TM4IO) * 8-bit timer
10:Timer input/output (TM12IO) * 16-bit timer
11:General-purpose input/output port (P54)
P53M; P53S 00:Serial 3 transfer clock input (SBT3)
01:Timer input/output (TM3IO) * 8-bit timer
10:Timer input/output (TM11IO) * 16-bit timer
11:General-purpose input/output port (P53)
P52M; P52S 00:Serial 2 data input/output (SBO2)
* The input/output settings depend on the serial interface 2 settings and the timing.
01:Timer input/output (TM2IO) * 8-bit timer
1x:General-purpose input/output port (P52)
P51M; P51S 00: Serial 2 data input (SBI2)
01: Timer input/output (TM1IO) * 8-bit timer
1x: General-purpose input/output port (P51)
P50M; P50S 00:Serial 2 transfer clock input/output (SBT2)
* The input/output settings depend on the serial interface 2 settings and the timing.
01:Timer input/output (TM0IO) * 8-bit timer
1x:General-purpose input/output port (P50)
Note: The input/output settings for this general-purpose port and the timer are made through the P5DIR register.