I/O Ports
Port 7 dedicated output control register
Register symbol: P7SS
Address: x'3600804D
Purpose: This register selects the content output on the port 7 pins.
Valid when the P7nM is “0”.
Bit No. 7 6 543210
Bit name ----P73S - - -
Reset 0 0 000000
P73M; P73S 00: Chip select signal 3 output (CS3)
01: Address output (A23)
1x: General-purpose output port (P73)
P72M 0: Chip select signal 2 output/DRAM RAS signal 2 output (CS2/RAS2)
* The CS2/RAS2 selection depends on the setting of the registers within the bus controller.
1: General-purpose output port (P72)
Note: For details on the bus controller register settings, refer to section 8.6, "Description of Registers."
P71M 0: Chip select signal 1 output/DRAM RAS signal 1 output (CS1/RAS1)
* The CS1/RAS1 selection depends on the setting of the registers within the bus controller.
1: General-purpose output port (P71)
P70M 0: Chip select signal 0 output (CS0)
1: General-purpose output port (P70)