Playing DivX
VOD content
Some DivX VOD(video on demand)content may only
be playablea fixed number oftimes. When youload a
disc containing thistype of DivXVOD content, there-
maining number ofplays is shownon-screen and you
then have theoption of playingthe disc (thereby
using upone of the remainingplays), or stopping. If
you loada disc that containsexpired DivX VODcon-
tent (forexample, contentthat has zeroremaining
plays), EXPIRED (Rental Expired)is displayed.
! Ifthere isno limit tothe number of timesthe DivX
VOD contentcan be viewed, thenyou may load
the discinto your player andplay the contentas
often as youlike, and nomessage will bedis-
1 If the messageis displayed after loadinga disc
containing DivX VODcontent, press f.
Playback of theDivX VOD contentwill start.
To skipto the nextfile, press p.
If you donot want toplay the DivXVOD content,
press g.
! In order to play DivX VOD content on this unit,
you first need to register the unit with your
DivX VOD content provider. About your regis-
tration code, refer to page 25.
! DivX VOD content is protected by a DRM (Di-
gital Rights Management) system. This re-
stricts playback of content to specific,
registered devices.
CM skip/CM back
This function skipsa reproduced imagefor a speci-
fied time.If the currently playingdisc contains com-
mercials, itis possible to skipthem.
! Thisfunction isavailable for DVD.
1 To skipprogressively backward or forward, press
Each timeyou press CM BACKor CMSKIPit
changes stepsin the following order:
CM back
5 sec.—15 sec.—30 sec.—1.0min.—2.0 min.—
3.0 min.—0sec.
CM skip
30 sec.—1.0min.—1.5 min.—2.0 min.—3.0 min.
—5.0 min.—10.0min.—0 sec.
After displaying theselected option fortwo sec-
onds, reproduced imageskips.
Specifying title
! Thisfunction isavailable for DVD.
! To perform this function,set the remotecontrol to
DVD mode.
1 Press 0 to 10corresponding to adesired title
number when thedisc is stopped.
Title numberis displayed foreight seconds and play-
back starts fromthe selected title.
! To select 3,press 3.
! To select 10,press 10 and0 in thatorder.
! To select 23,press 10, 10and 3 inthat order.
Specifying track
You can usethe search function tospecify a trackto
search for adesired track.
! Thisfunction isavailable for VideoCD.
! Thisfunction cannotbe operated during Video
CD playback featuringPBC (playback control).
! To perform this function,set the remotecontrol to
DVD mode.
Forthe numbers topress, please refer toSpecif ying
title onthis page.
Searching for the part you
want to play
You can usethe search function tofind the partyou
want toplay.
! Chaptersearch andtrack search are notpossible
when discplayback has been stopped.
! Thisfunction cannotbe operated during Video
CD playback featuringPBC (playback control).
! To perform this function,set the remotecontrol to
DVH mode.
1 Press DIRECT.
2 Press 0 to 9to input thedesired number.
To cancelthe inputted numbers, pressCLEAR.
3 Press DIRECT.
This starts playbackfrom the selectedpart.
With discs featuring a menu, you can also press
MENU or TOP MENU and then make selections
from the displayed menu.
Operating this unit
Operating this unit