Selecting and playing titles/
files/tracks from the title/file
name/track title list
1 Press to switch tothe title/file name/tracktitle
list mode.
2 Use M.C.to select the desiredfile name (or folder
Changing title, fileor folder name
1 Turn M.C.
1 When afile or track isselected, press M.C.
Viewing alist of the files(or folders) in theselected
1 When afolder isselected, press M.C.
Playing a songin the selectedfolder
1 When afolder isselected, press andhold M.C.
! When the separately sold display is connected
to this unit, the listed information will appear
on it.
! Title list is available for DVD-VR.
! File name list is available for compressed
audio, JPEG and DivX disc.
! Track title list is available for CD TEXT.
Advanced operations using
special buttons
Operating the DVD menu
Some DVDs allowyou to makea selection fromthe
disc contentsusing a menu.
! Thisfunction isavailable for DVD video.
! Youcan display themenu by pressingthe 1/S.
Rtrv/DVD MENU whilea disc isplaying. Pressing
1/S.Rtrv/DVD MENU againlets you startplay-
back from thelocation selected fromthe menu.
Fordetails, refer tothe instructions provided with
the disc.
1 Press a/b/c/d to selectthe desired menuop-
2 Press M.C.
Playback starts fromthe selected menuitem.
Resume playback (Bookmark)
By usingthe Bookmark function, youcan resume
playback from aselected scene thenext time thedisc
is loaded.
! Thisfunction isavailable for DVD video.
1 During playback, press3/BOOKMARK at the
point youwant to resume playbacknext time.
The selected scenewill be bookmarkedso that
playback resumes fromthat point nexttime. You
can bookmark upto five discs.After that, theold-
est bookmark isreplaced by thenew one.
To clearthe bookmark ona disc, pressand hold
3/BOOKMARK during playback.
! You can also perform this operation by press-
ing BOOKMARK on the remote control.
— To perform this function, set the remote
control to DVD mode.
! You can also bookmark a disc by pressing and
holding EJECT at the point you want to book-
mark. Next time you load the disc, playback
will resume from the bookmarked point. Note
that you can only bookmark one disc using
this method. To clear the bookmark on a disc,
press EJECT.
Changing audio language during
playback (Multi-audio)
With DVDsthat provides audioplayback in different
languages and differentaudio systems (DolbyDigital,
DTS, etc.),you can switch betweenlanguages/audio
systems during playback.
! Thisfunction isavailable for DVD andDivX disc.
1 Press 4/AUDIO during playback.
The audio selectionicon
is displayedfor eight
2 Press 4/AUDIO while theaudio selection iconis
The audio changeseach time youpress 4/
! You can also perform this operation by press-
ing AUDIO on the remote control.
! With some DVDs, switching between lan-
guages/audio systems may only be possible
using a menu display.
Operating this unit
Operating this unit