! You can also switch the audio language by
pressing AUDIO during playback. (Refer to
Changing audio language during playback
(Multi-audio) on page 15.)
! The setting made here will not be affected
even if the subtitle language is switched dur-
ing playback using AUDIO.
! If you have selected OTHERS, refer to When
you select OTHERS on the previous page.
Setting the menu language
1 Move thethumb pad up ordown to selectMENU
2 Click thethumb pad
A menulanguage menu is displayed.
3 Move thethumb pad up, down,left or rightto se-
lect thedesired menulanguage.
4 Click thethumb pad
The menu languageis set.
! If the selected language is not available, the
language specified on the disc is displayed.
! If you have selected OTHERS, refer to When
you select OTHERS on the previous page.
Setting the on screen display
You can setthe preferred language forinformation
display, DVDsetup menu and listdisplay etc.
1 Move thethumb pad up ordown to selectOSD
2 Click thethumb pad.
An onscreen display language menuis dis-
3 Move thethumb pad up ordown to selectthe de-
sired onscreen display language.
4 Click thethumb pad.
The on screendisplay language isset.
Setting the character set
You can setthe preferred character setfor DivX subti-
tle file,information display and listdisplay.
1 Move thethumb pad up ordown to selectCHAR-
2 Click thethumb pad.
A character setsetting menu isdisplayed.
3 Move thethumb pad up ordown to selectthe de-
sired character set.
4 Click thethumb pad.
The character setis set.
Setting the angle icon display
The angle iconcan be setso it appearson scenes
where theangle can be switched.
1 Move thethumb pad up ordown to selectANGLE
2 Click thethumb pad to selecton or off.
A character setsetting menu isdisplayed.
Setting the aspect ratio
There are twokinds of display:a wide screendisplay
that hasa width-to-height ratio (TVaspect ratio)of
16:9, andregular display that hasa TVaspect of4:3.
Be sureto select the correct TVaspectfor the display
connected to VOUT.
! Whenusing regulardisplay, selecteither LETTER
BOX orPANSCAN. Selecting 16:9may result in
an unnatural picture.
! Ifyou selectthe TVaspect ratio,the unit’s display
will change tothe same setting.
1 Move thethumb pad up ordown to selectTVAS-
2 Click thethumb pad
TVaspect menu isdisplayed.
3 Move thethumb pad up ordown to selectthe de-
sired TVaspect.
! 16:9– Widescreen picture (16:9)is displayed
as is(initial setting)
! LETTERBOX –The picture isthe shape ofa
letterbox with blackbands on thetop and bot-
tom of thescreen
! PANSCAN – The pictureis cut shorton the
right andleft sidesof the screen
4 Click thethumb pad
Operating this unit
Operating this unit