! You can also switch between languages/audio
systems using DVD setup menu. For details,
refer to Setting the audio language on page 22.
! Only digital output of DTS audio is possible. If
the unit’s optical digital outputs are not con-
nected, select an audio setting other than
! Display indications such as Dolby D and Mch
indicate the audio system recorded on the
DVD. Depending on the setting, playback may
not be with the same audio system as that in-
! Per forming this operation during fast forward/
fast reverse, pause or slow motion playback
returns you to normal playback.
Changing the subtitle language
during playback (Multi-subtitle)
With DVDsfeaturing multi-subtitlerecordings, you
can switch betweensubtitle languages duringplay-
! Thisfunction isavailable for DVD andDivX disc.
1 Press5/
/SUB TITLE duringplayback.
The subtitleselection icon
is displayed for
eight seconds.
2 Press5/
/SUB TITLE whilethe subtitle selec-
tion iconis displayed.
The subtitlelanguage changeseach time you
press 5/
! You can also perform this operation by press-
ing SUBTITLE on the remote control.
! With some DVDs, switching between subtitle
languages may only be possible using a menu
! You can also switch between subtitle lan-
guages using DVD setup menu. For details,
refer to Setting the subtitle language on page
! Per forming this operation during fast forward/
fast reverse, pause or slow motion playback
returns you to normal playback.
Changing the viewing angle during
playback (Multi-angle)
With DVDsfeaturing multi-angle(scenes shot from
multiple angles) recordings,you can switchamo ng
viewing angles during playback.
! Thisfunction isavailable for DVD video.
! Duringplaybackof a sceneshot from multiplean-
gles, theangle icon
is displayed. Turnangle
icon displayon or off usingthe DVD setupmenu.
Fordetails, refer toSetting the angle icondisplay
on page23.
1 Press6/
/ANGLE during playbackof a scene
shot from multipleangles.
The angle icon
and anglenumber are dis-
played for eightseconds.
2 Press6/
/ANGLE while theangle icon and
angle number aredisplayed.
The angle changeseach time youpress 6/
! You can also perform this operation by press-
ing ANGLE on the remote control.
! Per forming this operation during fast forward/
fast reverse, pause or slow motion playback
returns you to normal playback, but the view-
ing angle does not change.
Selecting a repeat play range
1 Press6/ /ANGLE toselect the repeatrange.
! TITLE– Repeatthe current title
! CHAPTER – Repeatthe current chapter
! TRACK – Repeatthe current track
! FOLDER– Repeatthe current folder
! DISC– Playthrough the current disc
Playing tracks in random order
Tracks in aselected repeat rangeare played inran-
dom order.
1 Press5/
/SUB TITLE toturn random playon or
Pausing playback
1 Press2/PAUSE topause or resume.
Operating this unit