1 Press DISP/ /SCRLto switch theinformation
DVD video: Informationdisplay 1—Information
display 2—Normal playbackdisplay
DVD-VR discs:Information display 1—Informa-
tion display 2—Disc namedisplay—Title display
—Normal playback display
Video CDs:Information display—Normal play-
back display
JPEG filesand DivX discs: Informationdisplay
—Foldername display—File name display—Nor-
mal playback display
CD TEXTdiscs and compressedaudio files:
Information display—Title display
! Titledisplay showsthe text informationof the cur-
rently playing disc.
CD TEXTdiscs: Disc Title (disctitle), Disc Ar-
tist (discartist name),Track Title (track title),
Track Artist (trackartist name)
Compressed audiofiles: AlbumTitle (album
title), TrackTitle (tracktitle), Folder Name(folder
name), File Name(file name), ArtistName (artist
! Text information on the Title display does not
! When a Video CD featuring the PBC (playback
control) function starts playing, PLAYBACK
CONTROL ON will be displayed instead of
track number indicator and play time in-
USB portable audio player/
USB memory
You can play compressed audio files and JPEG
image files stored in a USB storage device.
! For details about compatibility, refer to
Compressed audio compatibility (disc, USB)
on page 34.
! In the following instructions, USB mem-
ories and USB audio players are collectively
referred to as “USB storage device.”
Basic Operations
Playing songs ona USB storagedevice
1 Open the USBconnector cover andplug in the
USB storage deviceusing a USBcable.
Stopping playbackof files on aUSB storage device
1 You may disconnectthe USB storage deviceat
Selecting afolder
1 Press a or b.
Fast forwarding orreversing
1 Pressand hold cor d.
Selecting atrack/file
1 Press c or d.
Returning toroot folder
1 Pressand hold BAND/ESC.
USB storage device that can be charged via USB
will be recharged when plugged in and the igni-
tion switch is set to ACC or ON.
Switching the media file type
When connecting aUSB storage devicecontaining a
mixture of variousmedia file typessuch as JPEGand
compressed audio,you can switch betweenmedia
file typesto play.
1 Press BAND/ESC to switchbetween media file
Operating this unit
Operating this unit