Administrator’s Guide - SoundPoint IP / SoundStation
IP Optimization
100 Copyright © 2006 Polycom, Inc. Chord Sets <chord_sets/>
Chord sets are the building blocks of sound effects that use synthesized rather than
sampled audio (most call progress and ringer sound effects). A chord-set is a multi-fre-
quency note with an optional on/off cadence. A chord-set can contain up to four fre-
quency components generated simultaneously, each with its own level.
There are three blocks of chord sets:
• callProg (used for call progress sound effect patterns)
• ringer
• misc (miscellaneous)
All three blocks use the same chord set specification format.
tone.dtmf.stim.pac.offHookOnly 0, 1 0 Not currently used.
tone.dtmf.viaRtp 0, 1 1 If set to 1, encode DTMF in the
active RTP stream, otherwise,
DTMF may be encoded within the
signaling protocol only when the
protocol offers the option.
Note: tone.dtmf.chassis.masking
should be enabled when
tone.dtmf.viaRtp is disabled.
tone.dtmf.rfc2833Control 0, 1 1 If set to 1, the phone will indicate a
preference for encoding DTMF
through RFC 2833 format in its Ses-
sion Description Protocol (SDP)
offers by showing support for the
phone-event payload type; this does
not affect SDP answers, these will
always honor the DTMF format
present in the offer since the phone
has native support for RFC 2833.
tone.dtmf.rfc2833Payload 96-127 101 The phone-event payload encoding
in the dynamic range to be used in
SDP offers.
Default Interpretation