Administrator’s Guide - SoundPoint
IP / SoundStation
IP Appendix 1
Copyright © 2006 Polycom, Inc. 175
Verisign Class 4 Public Primary Certification Authority - G2
Verisign Class 4 Public Primary Certification Authority - G3
Verisign/RSA Commercial CA
Verisign/RSA Secure Server CA
6.2 Miscellaneous Administrative Tasks
6.2.1 Adding a Background Logo
This section provides instructions on how to add a background logo to all Sound-
IP phones in your organization. You must be running at least BootROM 2.x.x
and SIP 1.x.x. One bitmap file is required for each model, but SoundPoint
IP 301
phones do not support bitmap logos.
Logos smaller than described in the table above are acceptable, but larger logos may
be truncated or interfere with other areas of the user interface.
The SoundPoint
IP 500/501/600/601 phones only support the four colors listed
below. Any other colors will be approximated.
The SoundPoint
IP 4000 phone only supports black and white. Any other colors will
be rendered as either black or white.
Model Width Height Color Depth
IP 300/301 n/a n/a n/a
IP 430 94 23 monochrome
IP 500/501 114 51 4-bit grayscale or monochrome
IP 600/601 209 109 4-bit grayscale or monochrome
IP 4000 150 33 4-bit grayscale or monochrome
RGB Values
RGB Values
Black 0,0,0 00,00,00
Dark Gray 96,96,96 60,60,60
Light Gray 160,160,160 A0,A0,A0
White 255,255,255 FF,FF,FF