
Administrator’s Guide - SoundPoint
IP / SoundStation
IP Installation and Operation
Copyright © 2006 Polycom, Inc. 13
2.2.2 Application Configuration
While it is possible to make calls with the phone using its default configuration, most
installations will require some basic configuration changes to optimize your system.
The following sections discuss the available configuration options:
• Centrally provisioned configuration. Refer to Centralized Configuration
on page 13.
• Local phone-based configuration. Refer to Local Phone Configuration
on page 22. Centralized Configuration
A boot server allows global and per-phone configuration to be managed centrally
through XML-format configuration files that are downloaded by the phones at boot
time. In the centrally provisioned model, these files are stored on a boot server and
cached in the phone. If the boot server is available at boot time, the phone will auto-
matically synchronize its cache with the boot server: bootROM image, application
executable, and configuration files are all upgraded this way. Configuration Files
The phone configuration files consist of master configuration file and application con-
figuration files. Master Configuration Files
Central provisioning requires that an XML-format master configuration file be located
on the boot server.
Specified Master Configuration File
The master configuration file can be explicitly specified in the boot server address, for
example, http://usr:pwd@server/dir/example1.cfg. The file name must end with “.cfg”
and be at least five characters long. If this file cannot be downloaded, the phone will
search for the per-phone master configuration file described below.
Per-phone Master Configuration File
If per-phone customization is required (for all applications that require per-phone cus-
tomization), the file should be named <Ethernet address>.cfg, where Ethernet address
is the Ethernet MAC address of the phone in question. For A-F hexadecimal digits, use
upper or lower case, for example, 0004f200106c.cfg. The Ethernet address can be
viewed using the ABOUT soft key during the auto-boot countdown of the bootROM or
through the Menu>Status>Platform>Phone menu in the application. It is also printed