Administrator’s Guide - SoundPoint
IP / SoundStation
IP Optimization
Copyright © 2006 Polycom, Inc. 147 Main Browser <main/>
This setting controls the home page used by the MicroBrowser when that function is
selected. Browser Limits <limits/>
These settings limit the size of object which the MicroBrowser will display by limiting
the amount of memory available for the MicroBrowser.
0 or an integer > 5 0 The period in seconds between refreshes
of the idle display MicroBrowser’s con-
tent. If set to 0, the idle display Micro-
Browser is not refreshed. The minimum
refresh period is 5 seconds (values from 1
to 4 are ignored, and 5 is used).
Note: If an HTTP Refresh header is
detected, it will be respected, even if this
parameter is set to 0. The use of this
parameter in combination with the
Refresh HTTP header may cause the idle
display to refresh at unexpected times.
Attribute Permitted Values Default Interpretation
mb.main.home Any fully formed
valid HTTP URL.
Length up to 255
Null URL used for MicroBrowser home-page.
If blank, the browser will notify the user
that a blank home-page was used.
Example: http://www.example.com/
Attribute Permitted Values Default Interpretation
mb.limits.nodes positive integer 256 Limits the number of tags which the
XML parser will handle. This limits the
amount of memory used by complicated
pages. A maximum total of 500 (256
each) is recommended. This value is used
as referent values for 16MB of SDRAM.
Note: Increasing this value may have a
detrimental effect on performance of the
Attribute Permitted Values Default Interpretation