Administrator’s Guide - SoundPoint
IP / SoundStation
IP Installation and Operation
Copyright © 2006 Polycom, Inc. 21
4. Create a new configuration file (in the
style of sip.cfg).
For more information on why to create another config-
uration file, refer to the “Configuration File Manage-
ment on SoundPoint
IP Phones” whitepaper at
www.polycom.com/support/voip/ .
Refer to 4.6 Configuration Files on page 84, particu-
larly for SIP server address.
Most of the default settings are typically adequate,
however, if SNTP settings are not available through
DHCP, the SNTP GMT offset and (possibly) the
SNTP server address will need to be edited for the cor-
rect local conditions. Changing the default daylight
savings parameters will likely be necessary outside of
North American locations.
(Optional) Disable the local web (HTTP) server or
change its signalling port if local security policy dic-
Change the default location settings:
• user interface language
• time and date format
5. Decide on boot server security policy. Polycom recommends allowing file uploads to the
boot server where the security environment permits.
This allows event log files to be uploaded and changes
made by the phone user to the configuration (through
the web server and local user interface) and changes
made to the directory to be backed up.
For organizational purposes, configuring a separate
log file directory is recommended, but not required
Master Configuration Files on page 13).
File permissions should give the minimum access
required, and the account used should have no other
rights on the server.
The phone's server account needs to be able to add
files to which it can write in the log file directory and
the root directory. It must also be able to list files in all
directories mentioned in the [mac].cfg file. All other
files that the phone needs to read, such as the applica-
tion executable and the standard configuration files,
should be made read-only through file server file per-
Step: Instructions: