OUOD006,000004C –19–13OCT06–6/7
Symptom Problem
Undercharged electrical system Excessive electrical load from added Remove accessories or install higher
accessories. output alternator.
Excessive engine idling. Increase engine rpm when heavy
electrical load is used.
Poor electrical connections on Inspect and clean as necessary.
battery, ground strap, starter, or
Defective battery. Test battery.
Defective alternator. Test charging system.
Battery uses too much water Cracked battery case. Check for moisture and replace as
Defective battery. Test battery.
Battery charging rate too high. Test charging system.
Batteries will not charge Loose or corroded connections. Clean and tighten connections.
Sulfated or worn-out batteries. See your authorized servicing dealer
or engine distributor.
Stretched poly-vee belt or defective Adjust belt tension or replace belts.
belt tensioner.
Starter will not crank Engine driveline engaged. Disengage engine driveline.
Loose or corroded connections. Clean and tighten loose connections.
Low battery output voltage. See your authorized servicing dealer
or engine distributor.
Faulty start circuit relay. See your authorized servicing dealer
or engine distributor.
Blown main system fuse (MDL-25) Replace fuse.
Starter cranks slowly Low battery output. See your authorized servicing dealer
or engine distributor.
Crankcase oil too heavy. Use proper viscosity oil.
Loose or corroded connections. Clean and tighten loose connections.
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