Lubrication & Maintenance/500 Hour/12 Month
OURGP12,000004B –19–13OCT06–2/2
NOTE: Raised locators on fuel filter canister must be
indexed properly with slots in mounting base for
correct installation.
7. Install new filter element onto mounting base. Be sure
element is properly indexed and firmly seated on base.
It may be necessary to rotate filter for correct
8. Align keys on filter element with slots in filter base.
9. Install retaining ring onto mounting base making certain
dust seal is in place on filter base. Hand tighten ring
(about 1/3 turn) until it “snaps” into the detent. DO
NOT overtighten retaining ring.
NOTE: The proper installation is indicated when a "click"
is heard and a release of the retaining ring is felt.
A plug is provided with the new element for
plugging the used element.
10. Open fuel shut-off valve and bleed the fuel system.
Required Section.) Tighten bleed plug (D).
OURGP12,000004A –19–28JUL04–1/3
Checking Belt Tensioner Spring Tension and
Belt Wear (Automatic Tensioner)
Belt drive systems equipped with automatic (spring) belt
tensioners cannot be adjusted or repaired. The automatic
belt tensioner is designed to maintain proper belt tension
over the life of the belt. If tensioner spring tension is not
within specification, replace tensioner assembly.
Continued on next page