Lubrication & Maintenance/250 Hour/6 Month
OURGP11,0000009 –19–24JUN04–1/2
Manual Belt Tensioner Adjustment Using
Belt Tension Tool (Alternate Method For
Engines Without Auxiliary Drive)
RG11812 –UN–31OCT01
Alternator Bracket and Cap Screws
RG11813 –UN–31OCT01
Belt Tension Tool
A—Upper Alternator Bracket Cap Screw
B—Lower Alternator Bracket Cap Screw
C—JDG1520 Belt Tension Tool
NOTE: The JDG1520 Belt Tension Tool may not be
compatible with all alternators. In that case, use
the preceding method for belt tensioning.
NOTE: Inspect belts for cracks, fraying, or stretched-out
areas. Replace if necessary.
As a reference check, twist belt in the middle of a
254—305 mm (10—12 in.) span with two fingers.
A properly tensioned belt will turn 75—85
degrees. If belt turns more, it needs to be
tightened. If belt turns less, it needs to be
1. Loosen upper (A) and lower (B) alternator bracket cap
screws. Lower cap screw must remain tight enough to
prevent excessive alternator play but allow alternator to
pivot by hand.
2. Insert JDG1520 Belt Tension Tool (C) behind belt (D)
and over alternator mounting screw.
Continued on next page