OURGP11,000006C –19–27JUL06–1/2
Preparing Engine for Long Term Storage
The following storage preparations are used for long
term engine storage up to one year. After that, the
engine should be started, warmed up, and retreated
for an extended storage period.
IMPORTANT: Any time your engine will not be
used for over six (6) months, the
following recommendations for
storing it and removing it from
storage will help to minimize
corrosion and deterioration.
1. Change engine oil and replace filter. (See CHANGE
ENGINE OIL AND FILTER in Lubrication and
Maintenance/500 Hour Section.) Used oil will not
give adequate protection. Add one (1) ounce of rust
preventive oil to the engine crankcase for every
quart of oil. This rust preventive oil should be an
SAE 10 oil with 1-4 percent morpholine or
equivalent vapor corrosion inhibitor.
2. Service air cleaner. (See REPLACING AIR
Required Section.)
3. Draining and flushing of cooling system is not
necessary if engine is to be stored only for several
months. However, for extended storage periods of a
year or longer, it is recommended that the cooling
system be drained, flushed, and refilled. Refill with
appropriate coolant. (See RECOMMENDED
ENGINE COOLANT in Fuels, Lubricants, and
Coolant Section and ADDING COOLANT in Service
As Required Section.)
4. Pour three (3) ounces of rust preventive oil into the
turbocharger intake. (It may be necessary to
temporarily install a short intake elbow on the
turbocharger inlet to receive the oil.)
5. Prepare a tank with a solution of diesel fuel and
rust preventive oil, at ten (10) ounces of rust
preventive oil per gallon of diesel fuel.
6. Remove existing lines/plugs as required, and run a
temporary line from the tank to the engine fuel
intake, and another temporary line from the fuel
return manifold to the tank, so rust preventive oil
solution is circulated through the injection system
during cranking.
7. Crank the engine several revolutions with starter
(do not allow the engine to start). This will allow
rust preventive oil solution to circulate.
8. Remove temporary lines installed in Step 6 above,
and replace any lines/plugs previously removed.
NOTE: One gallon of fuel/oil solution can be used to
treat 100 engines; two gallons to treat 200
engines, etc. The oil could then be replenished
by adding an additional five (5) ounces of rust
preventive oil per gallon of solution. However,
starting over with a new solution is
recommended to dispose of any water or other
9. Loosen, or remove and store, fan/alternator
poly-vee belt.
10. Remove and clean batteries. Store them in a cool,
dry place and keep them fully charged.
11. Disengage the clutch for any driveline.
12. Clean the exterior of the engine with salt-free
water and touch up any scratched or chipped
painted surfaces with a good quality paint.
13. Coat all exposed (machined) metal surfaces with
grease or corrosion inhibitor if not feasible to paint.
14. Seal all openings on engine with plastic bags and
Continued on next page