Lubrication & Maint./2000 Hour/24 Month
OURGP11,000000C –19–24JUN04–2/3
RG8019A –UN–19JUN00
Engine Block Drain Valve
A—Engine Block Drain Valve
B—Engine Block Drain Plug
C—Engine Block Drain Plug
3. Open engine block drain valve (A) on left side of
engine. Drain all coolant from engine block.
NOTE: These engines use several different oil filter
adapters. Use either drain plug (B) or (C) to drain
coolant, whichever is more accessible for the oil
filter adapter on your engine.
4. Open radiator drain valve. Drain all coolant from
5. Remove thermostats at this time, if not previously
done. Install cover (without thermostats) using old
gasket and tighten cap screws to 47 N•m (35 lb-ft).
6. Test thermostat opening temperature. (See Inspecting
Thermostats And Testing Opening Temperature in
Service As Required Section.)
7. Close all drain valves after coolant has drained.
CAUTION: Do not run engine longer than 10
minutes. Doing so may cause engine to
overheat which may cause burns when radiator
water is draining.
8. Fill the cooling system with clean water. Run the
engine about 10 minutes to stir up possible rust or
9. Stop engine, pull off lower radiator hose and remove
radiator cap. Immediately drain the water from system
before rust and sediment settle.
10. After draining water, close drain valves. Reinstall
radiator cap and radiator hose and clamp. Fill the
cooling system with clean water and a heavy duty
cooling system cleaner such as Fleetguard
manufacturer’s directions on label.
Fleetguard is a trademark of Cummins Engine Company, Inc.
RESTORE is a trademark of Fleetguard.
RESTORE PLUS is a trademark of Fleetguard.
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