108 MicroMAX System User Manual Version 6.C
achieved via the Ext Sync input on the rear of the camera. Triggering from the Ext Sync
input allows you to acquire a single image per TTL pulse.
If Software Trigger has been
selected, back-to-back collection of the requested number of images will be initiated
Acquire is selected: no further TTL trigger input is required.
Virtual Chip dialog box
Figure 60. Virtual Chip dialog box.
Clicking Virtual Chip on the Setup menu displays the Virtual Chip dialog box. When
the High Speed Mode Enabled radio button is selected, all of the fields and buttons on the
box will be activated as shown in
Figure 60.
Mode: Radio buttons allow the choice of High Speed Mode Enabled and Norm
al Mode
Enabled. In the normal mode, the external masks would ordinarily be withdrawn,
allowing normal frame-transfer operation. All of the parameter settings on the
screen are grayed out if Normal Mode Enabled is selected. When High Speed
Mode Enabled is selected, high speed frame rates using the virtual chip can be
obtained as described above.
Chip Y Dimension: This is the Y range established by
the external mask.
Chip X Dimension: This is the X range established by
the external mask.
ROI: The X and Y Start, End and Binning (Group) values can be entered. The ROI can
be as large as the virtual chip area established by
the external mask or a
Load Default Values: Fills in the region of interest X and Y End values based on the
Chip X and Y Dim
ension entries. By default, the ROI origin is at 1,1 and the
Group values are both 1.
Download Virtual Chip Definition: Sends the virtual chip param
eter values to the
controller’s non-volatile memory. If a virtual chip definition is already stored
there, you will be given an overwrite warning.