Chapter 9 Troubleshooting 117
not be suitable for the USB 2.0 interface. Therefore, we recommend replacement of the
USB 2.0 interface module with our TAXI interface module and Princeton Instruments
(RSPI) PCI card. If this is not the case and data o
verruns continue to occur, contact Technical
Support (see page 164 for contact information).
are Wizard:Interface dialog
ut a
Valid Selection!" m
Demo is only Choice on Hardw and earlier)
If RSConfig.exe has not been run and there is not an installed Princeton Instruments (RS
high speed PCI card, the Hardware Wizard will only present the choice "Demo" in the
Interface dialog box (Figure 65). Clicking on Next presents an "Error Creating Controller.
Error=129." m
essage, clicking on OK presents "The Wizard Can Not Continue Witho
essage, clicking on OK presents the Interface dialog box again.
Figure 65. Hardware Wizard: Interface dialog box
At this point, you will need to exit WinView and run the RSConfig.exe program, which
creates a file called PVCAM.INI. This file contains information required to identify t
interface/camera and is referenced by the H
ardware Wizard when y
ou are setting up
|Programs|PI Acton menu or from the
default name "Camera1".
When y
View/32 with USB for the first time:
1. If y
ou have not already done so, close WinView/32.
2. Make sure the ST-133 is connected to the host com
puter and that it is turned on.
Run RSConfig from the
directory where you installed WinView.
When the RSConfig dialog box (Figure 66) appears, you can change the camera
e to one that is more specific or you can keep the
ou have finished, click on the Done button.
Figure 66. RSConfig dialog box